This classroom management tool is a free resource for teachers K-12. Personally, I think it's much more appropriate for the elementary grades, but maybe junior high students could have some fun with this site as well. It's a free site and takes mere minutes to customize your class. Students are assigned a monster avatar and teachers can customize the positive and negative points.
For my second grade students, I award three positive points: Listening, Helping Others, Working Hard. The negative points are: Talking, Disrespect, and Wasting Time. As I watch my class, I can assign points to individual students or to the entire class. You can also customize the display so that only positive points are shown to the group.
My favorite part of this site is that I can control the site from IWB, my iPad, and my iPhone! The points I add from any device are uploaded to the site and kept current. So we're walking down the hallway and I can give my "Mystery Walker" a point for the class or for himself! I also left my iPad with our rotation teachers so the Librarian and Computer Lab teachers could add or deduct points!

I would definitely recommend looking into the site. I don't know about you, but I needed a "boost" to my behavior management. This time of year can be stressful! I'm not sure if I will always use
ClassDojo, but it's a nice change of pace and it kept my students very engaged today. Check it out!